
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Back in the swing of things

Good Morning!

So I am getting back into my routine again. Last night I did some zumba and it was CRAZY! There were 54 people in the class last night and let me tell you it was rather muggy in there. This morning was back to our walk. We went our usual 3 miles and it felt great to get back out there. Well, the waking up at 5 wasn't my favorite but being out and active was a great start to my day.

I am feeling pretty good about my progress so far. I am noticing a difference in myself and I know my husband is starting to see some changes too. I definitely know my eating habits have changed because I attempted to eat a very greasy hamburger and fries from a fast food chain that will not be named and I am paying for it with tummy cramps today. I will stick with the fresh, home cooked meals thank you.

We tried to track our exact mileage but the app on my walking buddy's phone decided not to cooperate. We walked for 47 minutes give or take and according to google maps we are walking 3 miles. Hopefully we will be able to find a reliable way to track the mileage.

I've decided to check my weight once a week. There was a great weight check debate between DH and I. I read an article that said when trying to lose weight you should weigh yourself daily, if maintaing your weight then weekly and at the very least once a year. When I have access to a scale all the time I tend to obsess over my weight and DH knows this so he will not let me weigh myself every day lol. I will resist the temptation and make my weigh in day Saturday. This way it will be in the morning at the gym and I can keep my weight in mind all weekend. :)

Obviously I am not a doctor or any type of authority on health or fitness so I am basically trying to figure it all out on my own. So far I feel really good about myself. As far as my fitness goals I want to be able to finish a 5k in 20 minutes and of course get my first half marathon under my belt. Weight wise I really want to get down to about 150 maybe less if it is still healthy for my body. I am at 164 right now so my goal isn't too far away.

Happy Tuesday!

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