
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Holy foot pain Batman!

Still going strong although this morning was SUPER tough to get up to. Yesterday we got some disturbing news at work and it was pretty stressful. Plus I found out one of my coworkers may be deployed to Afganistan this week and I am super worried about him. All that stress did not help the sleeping. Anywho, this morning I tried to sleep in but my alarm woke me up and I did get out of  bed at 5:30.

Today we walked a total of 3 miles like we usually do. We did it pretty quickly as we left at about 5:45 and still got back by 6:20 or so. Tonight is zumba and although I am super excited, my foot is killing me. I know I have the bunion issue that is causing problems but I think I may have a couple of stress fractures too. I will be icing this thing later for sure.

So I know I have decided to weigh myself once a week but now that I know where the scale is at the gym, the temptation is just ridiculous! I may cave in and check it out when I get there tonight. I really need to take my measurements so I know where I have started and where I will be ending up. I am really interested in starting the jogging rather than the walking so we will see how this weekend goes.

Happy hump day all!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Back in the swing of things

Good Morning!

So I am getting back into my routine again. Last night I did some zumba and it was CRAZY! There were 54 people in the class last night and let me tell you it was rather muggy in there. This morning was back to our walk. We went our usual 3 miles and it felt great to get back out there. Well, the waking up at 5 wasn't my favorite but being out and active was a great start to my day.

I am feeling pretty good about my progress so far. I am noticing a difference in myself and I know my husband is starting to see some changes too. I definitely know my eating habits have changed because I attempted to eat a very greasy hamburger and fries from a fast food chain that will not be named and I am paying for it with tummy cramps today. I will stick with the fresh, home cooked meals thank you.

We tried to track our exact mileage but the app on my walking buddy's phone decided not to cooperate. We walked for 47 minutes give or take and according to google maps we are walking 3 miles. Hopefully we will be able to find a reliable way to track the mileage.

I've decided to check my weight once a week. There was a great weight check debate between DH and I. I read an article that said when trying to lose weight you should weigh yourself daily, if maintaing your weight then weekly and at the very least once a year. When I have access to a scale all the time I tend to obsess over my weight and DH knows this so he will not let me weigh myself every day lol. I will resist the temptation and make my weigh in day Saturday. This way it will be in the morning at the gym and I can keep my weight in mind all weekend. :)

Obviously I am not a doctor or any type of authority on health or fitness so I am basically trying to figure it all out on my own. So far I feel really good about myself. As far as my fitness goals I want to be able to finish a 5k in 20 minutes and of course get my first half marathon under my belt. Weight wise I really want to get down to about 150 maybe less if it is still healthy for my body. I am at 164 right now so my goal isn't too far away.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Weekend Report

Well with my walking buddy out of town I struggled a little with getting up and getting going. Saturday I didn't get up in time to walk so after dropping the kiddos off at their child care I got ready and walked a mile to the gym. Once I got there of course it was time for zumba! I love that class. After zumba I walked back to my house and got ready for work. So as far as working out I really only walked two miles and took a zumba class.

Exciting news for me though, I got on the scale at the gym and have officially lost 10 pounds since I started working out a month ago! Woohoo, go me!

On the agenda for this week...

Monday- Zumba
Tuesday- 3 miles walk/jog
Wednesday- 3 miles walk/jog, Zumba
Thursday- 3 miles walk/jog, Zumba
Friday- 3 miles walk/jog
Saturday- 6 miles walk/jog, Zumba

I will start tracking my miles next month so I can see how many miles I am averaging per week/month etc.

In other news, my in laws are coming into town on July 4th and they will be here for a week. My MIL has an interview down here and if she gets the job she may end up moving in with us until she can find somewhere to live. While the financial assistance may help I really don't know if my marriage can handle that kind of stress right now. We aren't having issues or anything but there has already been a lot of stress in our lives and this would just increase that quite a bit. We will see.

I'm hoping to take the kiddos to San Diego to check out legoland and the beach next month, just hoping everything works out. The kids need a vacation as much as I do I think :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

About Me


So this is my very first blogging experience. I have a feeling it will be a slightly rocky start but hopefully I will be able to keep up with it and really make it my own.

A Little About Me
I am a mother of four, three wonderful little boys and a beautiful little princess. I am married to my best friend in the world and I think he is literally me in man form :). I was born and raised in Arizona and I have a nagging suspiscion I will never leave. I was very active in high school playing volleyball and running track. Despite working in call centers in front of a computer for about ten years, I have always been in relatively good shape .

After my first and second pregnancies I had four years to get back into shape and feel somewhat comfortable with my body. When I got pregnant with my third baby, there were mild complications that left me on bed rest for two months. Once I had my son and he was safe and healthy, I was glad to get back to getting myself back into shape. Then my husband and I took our first adult vacation in two years and let's just say what happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas! Our baby girl was born just 13 months after our son. My last pregnancy had similar setbacks to my third pregnancy only they got worse. I ended up being on bedrest for most of my pregnancy and if you have never had to be on bedrest let me just tell you, eating is really the only thing you do lol.

Now that I am done having babies (Four is plenty for us), I am ready to become comfortable with my body again. My biggest goal is to get my body in shape so I will be healthy and capable of keeping up with all four of my kiddos. I want to set a good example for them so they don't fall victim to the video games and the computer games that keep so many people from being active and healthy. Oh, a little FYI, I severely dislike video games. Obviously anything in moderation is fine but when the games take over your life and they become your soul focus, in my mind, that is a problem. If you disagree with me on that fact you may want to just stop reading. Of course, chances are if you have been sucked in to the video game world you probably aren't reading anyway so enough on that subject :) Back to me ;)

The Blog Name
So the blog name took me some time to think about. There are so many things I am very passionate about and I want to share a lot of things but mostly I want to help myself in keeping track of my goals and accomplishments. CRa-Z is really sort of an acronym.
  • The C stands for cooking. I LOVE to cook. If I could do it for a living and be successful and have normal working hours, I totally would. I love trying out new recipes and helping my family eat yummy meals that they will remember when they get older.
  • The R stands for running. Recently I discovered that I really do enjoy running! I started training because I found out there are marathons that run through the Disney parks and I am a self proclaimed Disney freak. Naturally I had to check it out. This blog is begininng along with my training program for my first half marathon. Look how lucky you are, you get to follow my progress along with me. ;)
  • The Z stands for zumba! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to zumba. I joined my cousin at a gym to work out in preparation for her wedding. We saw some ladies in a class that were dancing like crazy and I was intrigued. The next day I took my first class and I was hooked. I had to take time off of zumba after only a month because of the pregnancies but I was VERY excited to get back into it this year.
My Goals
I am starting this blog as a way to track my progress in training for my first half marathon. I have many other goals that I will not list just yet because it will be harder to accomplish everything I want to if I try to do it all at once. Along the way I am sure there will be a lot of posts that have nothing to do with my training but I will try to include something about my training in each post.
  • I want to compete in a half marathon and eventually be able to finish one in 2 hours. (Slightly ambitious)
  • I want to complete a coast to coast challenge through Disney where I run in a Disneyland half marathon and a Disney World have marathon in the same year.
  • I want to eat healthier and make sure my kids are getting the nutrition they need to be healthy and happy kiddos.
  • I want to get into shape so I can keep up with my kids.
Negativity will not help me with any of these goals so I will be doing my best to stay positive and keep it real here on my blog.

Happy reading all!